Started New YouTube Series: Brunches, Bakeries & Bistros



So, as you all know, I have my main Youtube channel called SavvySweets where I show you guys basically a little insight into my foodie mind and how to recreate my recipes for yourself in a savvy sort of way.



However, about a little over a month ago, I just launched a New YouTube Series in conjunction with Mr. Evan Quon aka M.A. Films (Videographer/Photographer Extraordinaire) where we hit the prime streets of Southern California to review some of the latest and greatest upcoming trending restaurants today.


Shot from 1st Episode: Me (left) & Owner of Dolce Italian Ice, Renee (Right)

This started out as a little project at first, but we have really started to enjoy filming these little episodes for some of our favorite food spots around town and we’re definitely planning on filming some more.


Click here to see the 1st Episode!

We have not only built some awesome connections with foodies who love and appreciate quality food and memories as much as we do, but we’ve got to also try out some amazing dishes we’ve never tried before as well.

For our latest episode we just launched this past week, see below! We got to visit Burger Bench in downtown Escondido, California where we got to try out 3 of their signature dishes: The Sunrise Burger, the Bench Burger and the S’more Shake.

By the way, not only were the food at Burger Bench incredibly unique and delicious, but the people who work there as well are probably some of the humblest people with the best sense of humor you will ever meet.

So, if you happen to have any ideas or places in mind in the Southern California area that you would like to see Brunches, Bakeries, and Bistros go to, please let us know by contacting us at:


Also, if you’d like to follow along our series, please don’t hesitate to SUBSCRIBE as well!

Remember guys, KEEP IT SAVVY!



Connect with me here for more food for thought & SavvySweets:

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